Saturday, August 6, 2011

Air traffic controllers who can’t be fired

Are they untouchable?
The job nature and its requirements are well known in advance before the hiring process. There is no room for excuses available to those who accepted the job and its responsibility.
The job requires a high degree of concentration along with minimum or no distraction at all. The lives of thousands are at the hands of air traffic controllers.
It is irresponsible to treat air traffic controllers the same way like other federal employees. If federal employees could be fired due to their carelessness in doing their jobs, firing air traffic controllers would not be enough. They are supposed to face criminal charges as well.

Date: 01 August 2011 commenting on

Monday, August 1, 2011

Man seized in Moscow for blinding jetliner pilots

How naive!
Did they believe him so easily?
Did they confiscate the laser light only? They were supposed to confiscate his freedom as well.
Playing with laser light has become a serious issue all over the world, not only in Russia. Considering the fact that such simple toy could turn into a tool with a catastrophic effect, there should be some serious measures to deter those careless individuals before messing up with airplanes like that.

Date: 29 July 2011 commenting on