Wednesday, December 31, 2014

EgyptAir signs agreement with Sabre

Poor Sabre!
The problem is the operational mentality of EgyptAir management team which cannot be modified.
The solution could be firing all current EgyptAir employees and hiring new employees.
Date: 18 December 2014 commenting on

Monday, December 29, 2014

Is Aeroflot too big for Georgia?

When it comes to business, I would say that the title of the article is invalid.
Irrespective of the fact that Russia is bigger than Georgia as well as Aeroflot is bigger than its Georgian counterpart, Aeroflot still needs the business of operating commercial flights to/ from Georgia. However, it is totally up to Aeroflot to apply a pricing policy of its own for its flights between Moscow and Tbilisi. After all, it is a free market in both Russia and Georgia.
Date: 17 December 2014 commenting on

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Transaero still to gain Georgian rights despite ticket sales

Sure, applying is not enough for the carrier to start operating its flights. Receiving the approval from the respective civil aviation agency is a must.
Unless it is absolutely guaranteed, it is risky to start selling tickets for the flights which are still waiting for approval. Selling tickets before getting the required approval might result in operational headache. Handing disappointed customers and refunding tickets definitely represent an additional workload for customer service representatives.
Date: 27 November 2014 commenting on

Sunday, November 2, 2014

EgyptAir to resume Zimbabwe flights

It seems that the Egyptian Ambassador in Nigeria has a humble idea about airline business.
The fifth freedom of air is about flights carrying commercial traffic (passengers and cargo) between two foreign countries. Obviously, the fifth freedom is the problem facing EgyptAir in case of carrying passengers between Tanzania and Zimbabwe. The fifth freedom of air has to be granted by the two foreign countries. In fact, bilateral air service agreements are negotiated between civil aviation authorities of the countries concerned. So, the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority has to negotiate the fifth freedom of air with both Tanzania and Zimbabwe for EgyptAir flights to utilize carrying passengers between those two specific countries.
It is very strange that EgyptAir did not prepare itself for that situation. Was EgyptAir trying to operate illegally between Tanzania and Zimbabwe? Anyway, the solution of the fifth air freedom cannot be finalized in Zimbabwe only. However, Zimbabwe might be able to incentivize EgyptAir to stay through some mechanism other than the fifth freedom of air.
Date: 01 November 2014 commenting on

Monday, September 29, 2014

Should social media dictate HR policies? Lessons from Air Canada and American Airlines

Those employees have no excuse for their ugly actions. They cannot defend or justify what they have done.
They should be suspended immediately and go through scrutinized investigation.
Finally, the outcome of the investigation would rightfully trigger a firing decision for both of them.
Date: 22 April 2014 commenting on

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wrongful deportation: Egypt Air admits error, to compensate Nigerian passenger

It seems that after having been summoned by the Nigerian Foreign Ministry, Mr. Ashraf Salama the Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria successfully managed to vent the steam which he had previously received from Mrs. Viola Onwuliri, the Nigerian Minster of Foreign Affairs. He informed the officials of Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation in Cairo about the extreme seriousness of the issue of mistreating the Nigerian teenager when he was traveling on board of EgyptAir.
Well done Mrs. Viola Onwuliri!
Date: 25 September 2014 commenting on

US customs passenger facility opens in UAE

Despite all those valid objections, a US Customs Passenger Facility has opened in Abu Dhabi as previously planned.
The question now is who is actually behind that questionable decision. Who can stand that load of criticism? More importantly, is he serving the public interests or his own private interests?
Date: 29 January 2014 commenting on

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Aviation experts analyze the shocking survival rate of the Asiana 777 crash

Generally, the operability of the aircraft depends on the aircraft itself and the flight crew operating it. However, in case of crashes during takeoff or landing, the survivability of the passengers depends on the aircraft, the flight crew, the cabin crew, the ground emergency teams, and the passengers themselves.

The design of aircraft is one factor only from a total of five factors affecting the rate of survivability. Human beings represent the major component of the survivability equation. Emergency landing or crash landing simply means that there is something wrong from either the aircraft or the human beings. Thus, high rate of survivability could be only maintained if the other factors excelled high enough to compensate the setback of the factor causing the problem. So, I would say that high rate of survivability has been achieved with Asiana B777 was due to good luck.

The above is the complete version of the comment published by Zintro blog on 23 July 2013.