Monday, September 14, 2009

Minimum Equipment List (MEL)

The MEL practice is to facilitate the operation of aircraft. That facility is not supposed to be abused by aircraft operators, especially those who are involved in commercial carriage of passengers.
As (Fix the jet Gerry) put it, the aircraft has to be grounded if anyone of the crew votes against applying the MEL advantage.
Since the traveling public will not be involved in those technical issues, the aircraft flying under MEL condition should not have passengers on board.

Date: 11 September 2009 commenting on

Friday, September 4, 2009

High flying tweets

The list contains some distinguished names (in no particular order) in the airline/ aviation blogging despite the fact that the list might be mistakenly interpreted as public relations advertorial.
It has been said that websites are promoted by blogs, and blogs are promoted through micro-blogging (Twitter). However, the article shows that blogging could be used to promote the Twitter’s micro-blogging channel.
Well, social media is a continuous interaction back and forth using all available channels.

Date: 02 September 2009 commenting on